
QI GONG workshop with master Alain Ratié

Alain Ratié, master in Qi Gong, sensei in Karate and energetic therapist comes to Greece for the fifth time, to give a Qi Gong workshop which is comprised of two weekends: 28-29 May and 4-5 June 2011.

Alain Ratié lives in Benin in Western Africa where he works with traditional therapists. He has founded there the Energetic Center of Tobé where he teaches. He also gives workshops in different countries of Africa and Europe.

He will teach us the basics of Qi Gong, the positioning and opening of the body to the flow of the energy, throw the basic posture and forms (series of movements). The workshop is open to the large public, from those who use the Qi as energetic healers to those who practice martial arts.

You can visit his web site in alainbenin.com

The two weekends should be taken as a whole, but one can also attend just one of them.
Each weekend costs 80 €.

The workshop will take place:
• On 28-29 May 2011 at the School “Atrapos” in Halandri, 45 Griva street (10 hours).
For further information, contact:
Mrs. F.Poutays 210 27 19 471/ 69 45 52 37 39 and mfpoutays@hotmail.com
• On 4-5 June 2011 at the Yoga House Studio in Petralona, 20 Dryopon street (8 hours)
For further information, contact:
Mrs. M.P.Tzannes 210 93 53 945/ 69 76 21 36 46 and in the blog

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